WAIMM is committed to demonstrating leadership in professional excellence and career advancement through innovative networking. WAIMM provides professionals an identity, enhances their reputation and leadership experience.
Our focus is to provide exceptional leadership and professional development through a continuous concerted effort of training, seminars, networking, webinars, skill management, conferences, workshops, peer review, safety awareness, institutional and organizational controls of best practices and research into modern and technological trends in industrial practices…
Years Of Industry
WAIMM member benefits include access to knowledge and information, career development, professional recognition, training events, bursary facilities, achievement awards, networking opportunities and member support. Learn more about WAIMM membership and how you can sign up.
Members can access all our industry-related on-line journals free of charge and also submit papers and articles for onward publication in subsequent issues at subsidized rates.
WAIMM member benefits include access to knowledge and information transfer through the WAIMM webinar series.
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Our focus is to provide career and professional development to advance the knowledge and skillset of students, academia , industry professionals, and companies in the resources sector by creating the platform where they can access new and emerging advancement in industry practices.