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Mine Optimization course – Unlocking the intrinsic value

WAIMM is organizing a Mine Optimization workshop with OptiSim Mining Solutions as part of the annual continuous professional development training for mining and planning engineers. Details of the five-day mine optimization professional development workshop is as follows:

Optimizing the Strategic Mine Plan: Unlocking Intrinsic Value

  • In-person Ghana Session: August 5 – 9, 2024; Busua Beach Resort, Ghana

There will be a special guest lecture on determining optimal pit slope profiles. I have attached the course brochure with details for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to send me any enquiries on this training session; whether you want to be part of the general session or prefer a site-based team session. Additional information is available at


Learn how to improve your mine planning techniques

➢ Geovia Whittle Software with 90-day Evaluation License for Educational Purposes

➢ Optimal Slope Software with 30-day Evaluation License for Educational Purposes

➢ OptiSim is an Educational Partner of Dassault Systems, Optimal Slope & WAIMM

➢ Course is Available for Onsite and Online Delivery upon Request

➢ Understanding the principal concepts of strategic mine planning and improving

economic performance such as revenue and cost

➢ Exploring practical stochastic pit-limit optimization, pushback designs and mine-life estimation

➢ Determining optimal profiles for slopes and pit walls

➢ Learning the principles and concepts of mathematical programming and its applications to

integrated mine planning and waste management

➢ Knowing about open pit/underground mining options optimization

➢ Understanding mine production scheduling and its financial risk management

➢ Discovering practical techniques in mine planning for grade, tonnage and metal uncertainty

➢ Exploring cut-off grades, stockpiling and waste management strategies

➢ Participating in hands-on computer labs on the applications of new optimization concepts

➢ Useful for mining, operations, project and exploration managers, mine planners, mine engineers,

geotechnical engineers, geoscientists, geostatisticians, geologists, metallurgists, financial analysts,

and directors

Take some time to invest in yourself and your team. Contact us for further information and other training options.