The goal is for other professionals to get insights on industry operations and success stories from the personality profile videos as they share their experiences and accomplishments. All industry personality profile videos are uploaded on the WAIMM YoutTube channel.
The Industry Professional personality profiling is open to everyone involved in the resources industry and who contributed significantly to the development of the mining and petroleum industry across the West African sub-region and beyond.
For participation and further details about the WAIMM Industry Personality profile series please send email to profiles@waimm.orgÂ
This is a WAIMM exclusive personality profiling of industry professionals who have made significant contributions to the industry and getting them known to the world. The honour includes listening to in-depth stories of very old mining professionals some dating back to 1950s and also new professionals that are currently trending in the industry.
Interviews are conducted in a very informal manner to get the professionals to bring out the driving force behind their success. We try as much as possible to get them to address all the various aspects of working in the industry.
The Industry Professional personality profiling is not restricted to only the core mining and petroleum industry professionals. It is applicable to anyone in academia, governmental and non-governmental institutions, other stakeholders whose efforts are aimed at spearheading the growth and development of the mining and petroleum industries; it doesn’t necessarily have to be those in direct involvement but also those who have assisted in championing the cause for sustainability of the mining and petroleum industry over the years.
For further information about the event and participation details, please send email to
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